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  Cenozoic:: Mesozoic:: Palaeozoic:: Precambrian:: Creatonism:: Comment::             


The Geological Time Divisions

- A small Train of Thought... -

There's still a little remark .....


During the conception phase of our Internet appearance, I rather saw the challenge of the scaled conversion and presentation of my theoretical drafts and results of the enquiry in the thematically indispensable refurbishing of the geological eras, than to the appreciation of these elemental forces. Finally I was conducted by my fascination concerning the TRILOBITA, symptomatically is just so typical at a Trilophile ;-)))

However I became aware of one fact very fast, the knowledges of the evolution of life on earth  is an indispensable key, leading to the understanding of the world of our little hard- shelled 'journeymen', and so the "Stanley" became the additional bible very soon, leading me, in it's dimensions  natural forces almost beyond comprehension, ecological catastrophes and finally the unbelievable fact, that life always found a way on the right path away from the geological chaos.

Just in consideration of the current natural disasters and the sorrowful circumstance, that Homo sapiens, appointed himself to the "Pride of Creation", made it covering our blue planet only within a geologically ridiculously short time period with a trace of destruction and extermination, that in it's extension won't to be find during the past Phanerozoic in no way. We are eger to ask the question, whether we are really only destined to destroy our Blue Planet in successive way, so that the evolution of a new "Pride of Creation" may start with the beginning of an new Eon, really deserving this title.




® Fotos Malfitano, Giovanni



I won't like to publish "apocalyptic mood" at this point,  cause I am absolutely sure, Homo sapiens presence on our earth shall make some sensible sense. But Homo sapiens should certainly become conscious, however, of it real role and responsibility in the ecosystem earth. To take himself being the "Pride of Creation", extending the intellectual horizon merely up to nasal tips maximum, autocratically trimming the fragile ecosystem earth blind and in a disrespectful way,  is only a performance rating in dimensions of aerogastrocolica, compared the us surrounding magnitudes. and sometimes I find myself at the following question:



Auge des Hurrikans

Eye of the Hurrikan

Source:  © Lt. Mike Silah

(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)





Source:  © Lt. Mike Silah

(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)


To take himself being the "Pride of Creation", extending the intellectual horizon merely up to nasal tips maximum, autocratically trimming the fragile ecosystem earth blind and in a disrespectful way,  is only a performance rating in dimensions of aerogastrocolica, compared the us surrounding magnitudes.;-)))


So sometimes I find myself posing questions like:





Source:  © dpa



"Has there really changed as much over the past millions of years,

or the Sauropods hasn't helplessly behaved similarly

being in the thick of the chaos of the nature forces of its time ?"


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