Survey Cenozoic
Modern human
is dominating lots of spheres of earth's ecological system. In
view of the performed evolution of this system, time will tell if
mankind is to be aware its responsibility on this System.

There are
multiple expansions of the ice shields. In Central Europe the
glaciations extinguished from Alps glacier, in the Northen from the
Baltic Area The following ice ages are to be distinguished (naming based
on Alp area):
- Würm ice age
(circa 12000.. 10000 years ago));
- Riß ice age
(circa 240000.. 180000 years ago);
- Mindel
ice age (circa 480000..430000 years ago);
- Günz ice age
(circa 640000.. 540000 years ago).

Extinction of
many of the big mammalian species like mammoth or gravigrada.

Circa 0,2Mio.
years ago the evolution of genus homo (the first representative about
4Mio years ago was the East African Homo rudolfensis) produced modern
Homo, the Homo sapiens.

Circa 4Mio.
years ago, the first representatives of pre human genus (Hominidae) the
Australopithecus anamensis appeared in the East African Region.

mammalia performed the transition from Cretaceous into Paleogene in
